We have all heard Stress is a Killer. , the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out our essential design features.

Choose from 8 stunning layouts
Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts. From your blog's settings, choose the layout that’s right for you. For example, a tiled layout is popular for helping visitors discover more posts that interest them. Or, choose a classic single column layout that lets readers scroll down and see your post topics one by one.
Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers can easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter and view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more.
Add media to your posts
When creating your posts you can:
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Create galleries to showcase a media collection
Customize the look of your media by making it widescreen or small and easily align media inside your posts.
We have all heard "Stress is a killer" negatively effecting our health mentally and physical, relationships, work, but also our dreams, diet, being tense and stressed out can really take its toll. Five ways how to reduce Stress: 1st thing in the morning find a few minutes to meditate by spending time with your creator. Get yourself centered and focused on you and breathe deeply. breathing is so very important. Just simply focusing on the small thing of breathing is a great stress reducer.
2nd get more sleep! Most of Americans today are exhausted, over worked, over wrought and simply fraught with lack of sleep because it is hard to turn your mind off in todays age of being constantly inundated. #3 be grateful everyday. Remind your self what you are grateful for and write it down on a sticky note or where you can remind your self throughout the day. #4 a random act of kindness toward others. A simple kind word or action can really make a difference. Just saying hello or telling someone in the grocery store that they look nice or have a great smile is a wonderful way to reduce stress and make your world a happier place. #5 Journal writing down a positive good thought you have had about yourself. add one nice thing someone has said about you. Write down the 1st happy memory that comes to mind and while meditating ask God what He loves the most about you. Keep track and write down the one nice thing you said to a stranger and branch out to one nice thing you said to a loved one today. Following these simple steps you will feel your stress and fatigue begin to subside and your joy in life rise! After a few weeks you will be hungry to do more. You might even be ready to volunteer.